The SSN Small Grants scheme provides funding to support junior/early-career scholars working in economically under-resourced regions of the world. Each year we can fund two awards, to be used during the academic year in support of surveillance studies research (for more information about what constitutes surveillance studies research, we recommend reviewing articles published in Surveillance & Society. These awards will also be accompanied by a two-year SSN membership.
The Small Grants Committee review and select recipients based on the following criteria and process:
We evaluate applications based on their articulation of specific research-related activities that would significantly augment the applicant’s program of research, but that would not be feasible without additional funding. Additionally, we take into consideration the overall feasibility of the proposed work and the extent to which it is likely to make a significant contribution to surveillance studies
Applicants must submit a brief proposal (approximately 1 page, single spaced) outlining:
Successful applicants will be asked to submit a post-award report outlining the research they conducted using the funds and noting how the SSN Small Grant contributed to the success and implementation of their research. These reports will be due on April 1 in the year following the award. Additionally, applicants may be invited to publish a “Research Note” on our blog Blink or in a future issue of Surveillance & Society (for more information about this form of contribution to the journal, see the journal’s submission page at this link.
Surveillance Studies Network members (or non-members who conduct surveillance-related research and would like to become part of SSN) are encouraged to apply, with preference given to persons who:
We are pleased to announce the winners of the 2023-24 Surveillance Studies Network (SSN) Small Research Grant competition. There are two awardees for this grant cycle.
The first is P. Arun, who will be working on a project on welfare surveillance in India’s rural employment programme.
The second is Letícia Simões-Gomes, who will be finalizing a comparative study of racialized data practices by the New York Police Department (NYPD) and the São Paulo Military Police (SPMP).
Congratulations to both grant recipients!
The Surveillance Studies Network (SSN) is a registered charitable company dedicated to the study of surveillance in all its forms, and the free distribution of scholarly information.