
The Surveillance Studies Network (SSN) is a registered charitable company. Our main objective is to advance the public understanding of surveillance through the free exchange of academic information across academic cultures and disciplines. Our journal, Surveillance and Society, and our biennial conferences are the main ways we achieve these aims.

Surveillance and Society is free to all (authors and readers) and is not attached to any publishing house or other large scale business enterprise. Joining the Surveillance Studies Network supports our ability to publish the journal and achieve our charitable aims, and also entitles you to discounts on registration to SSN events and conferences.

Membership is renewable every two years from the initial date you joined. Your membership fees go towards the publication of the journal to ensure that it remains free to access and benefits the wider activist, journalist and scholarly communities who read it, as well as to the general public. SSN membership also provides you with the opportunity to seek election to the Network and Editorial Board (NEB) of the Surveillance Studies Network and Surveillance and Society, and provides eligibility for SSN research grants and other initiatives.
For any inquiries about the membership please contact


By becoming a member you have the opportunity to offer yourself for election to the board of Surveillance Studies Network and Surveillance and Society; Discounts on all SSN-sponsored conferences and events, and approval and sponsorship of your research bids and events about surveillance

Our Future Goals

Members may also receive, small amounts of pump-priming funds for research proposals; Conference travel grants for junior scholars and scholars from the developing world; A list of media experts, and Special offers for members, such as discounts with selected publishers.

Membership Fees

Memberships fees work on a tier base system that acknowledges precarity and difference in financial opportunities.

We operate an honesty system for membership fees based on annual salaries in OECD or equivalent countries, so please be accurate about your salary and select the most appropriate fee level.

Membership Types


(Approximate Annual Salary, OECD and equivalent countries)


Fee (24 Months)

Type 1 (€0 – €40,000)

Graduate student / precarious, voluntary employment / all salary levels, non-OECD



Type II (€40,000 – €80,000)

Pre-tenure / Asst Professor / Lecturer / Permanent Adjunct / Early career or lower-level NGO or corporate employment


Type III (€80,000 - €120,000)

Tenured / Associate Professor / Senior Lecturer / Full-time, established NGO or corporate employment


Type IV (€120,000+)

Full Professors, Executives, Managers



Become a SSN member